Why reviews are important for Contractors/Subcontractors

Do online reviews really matter?

Nowadays, what you do, how you present yourself, and the quality of your work is only half the battle when it comes to maintaining and expanding your business. Your online reputation plays a significant role in how the general public, peers, and potential employers view you. Everything your business does on a job is fair game for online scrutiny which can be good – or bad for your bottom line. Each and every time someone interacts with you as a business owner or employee is an opportunity to leave a negative or positive impression. And, thanks to the Internet, those opinions can be shared with the world with a quick Google search. 

Online reviews can be extremely influential, and ultimately the deciding factor when someone is deciding whether or not they want to work with you. So, the short answer is yes – online reviews can impact your business in a huge way.

Reviews Influence Decision Making: 

When faced with a decision between two businesses, it makes sense that someone would choose the one with a proven track record. Information from a 2015 infographic from Business2Community (source: Infographic)  found that 90% of people searching for a business read online reviews before moving forward, and a whopping 72% said they would take action only after reading a positive review. 

The more positive reviews you get, the better. On average, customers read between 4-6 positive reviews before ultimately deciding to move forward with a business. According to a 2013 study conducted by Dimensional Research, those customers have higher trust in a business which has a proven professional record of satisfaction. (Source: Marketing Land)

Reviews Affect Search Ranking:

The more positive reviews you receive, the higher up on search results pages you will be. This is important because the average web user won’t go past the first five listings on a search engine results page, according to Leverage Marketing.

Marketing Benefits of Reviews: 

Marketing your business can feel like a full-time job – but reviews can do a large part of the work for you. 

 A Note on Negative Reviews: 

The benefits of reviews on your business far outweigh the negatives, but inevitably, you may experience a customer who was left dissatisfied. 86% of consumers say they would hesitate to work with a business that has consistent negative reviews. (Source: Business2Community Infographic) When/if you encounter a negative review, responding can make an enormous difference. It highlights your customer service and core values as a business and can restore trust and build relationships for future interactions.

How to deal with negative reviews:

The Takeaway:

Not only do consumers actively seek out reviews, research shows the majority of people looking to work with your business rely on them to make a decision – and they very well could make the difference between someone choosing you and the next name on the list. Setting your business up on directories like FindWhoPays.com is crucial for the growth and success of your business.

Sign up now and build your business through peer to peer reviews.

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